Impulsive Behavior & Juno Retrograde

Publish date: 2024-09-08

When your weekly horoscope for April 12-18 calls for retrograde in commitment-minded Juno, there won’t be a dull moment. There’s a lot going on with the planets this week, so make sure you stay on your toes—especially when it comes to relationships. It all starts on Monday when the asteroid Juno turns retrograde in Sagittarius. Juno rules over marriage and long-term commitments, so expect a lot of impulsive, flighty behavior, and jealousy.

Fortunately, relationships start to stabilize when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. The planet of love and beauty rules over Taurus, making it a lovely homecoming. Over the next few weeks of April, romance and financial pursuits will be filled with security, happiness, and indulgence.

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Finally, the week ends with a lot of planet movement on Saturday when Mercury (planet of communication) in Aries makes a sextile to both Jupiter (planet of luck) in Aquarius and Mars (planet of passion) in Gemini. This is stirring us to become mentally quick and sociable. However, Mercury also squares Pluto (planet of power) that same day, making you a little careless with your words. Don’t turn your mental sharpness into a weapon.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


Your week begins on a romantic note when Venus in your sign sextiles Mars in Gemini on Tuesday, encouraging you to express your feelings for someone. Whether you’re confessing to a crush, asking someone out, or just telling people you love them, let it all out!

Don’t be afraid to be blunt and direct when Mercury in your sign sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. When a friend comes to you for advice, be honest with them. They might need to hear some hard truths. While it may be rough, they’ll appreciate your honesty in the long run.

Finally, the week finishes on a positive note when the new moon is in your sign. It’s a time of new beginnings and change, so this is a great day to go after what you want. It’s okay to be a little selfish right now and do what’s in your best interests.


It’s almost your season, Taurus, and you’ll start feeling the effects when lovely Venus enters your sign on Wednesday. Venus is your ruling planet, so get ready to feel the love for the next few weeks. The planet of love and beauty will help create new beginnings when it comes to love and financial pursuits. Just keep loving yourself and good fortune will follow.

However, you may have some hiccups when the sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, creating some issues. Don’t get so wrapped up in your own struggles and drama that you miss out on an important life experience. Don’t let fear stop you from growing!

Speaking of missed opportunities, don’t let your blunt talk cost you a major opportunity when Mercury in Aries squares Pluto on Saturday. Try to be in a positive mindset or your bullish nature could rub people the wrong way.


The start of the week gives you a major boost of energy and drive when the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in your sign on Tuesday. This aspect creates sudden windfalls from the universe and positive surprises that will benefit you greatly. Just keep doing you, Gemini.

However, you might feel the need to retreat from the world for a while when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus enters your sector of privacy, making you anxious and isolated as you deal with previous headaches. Don’t get so involved in your own pain that you forget to see the beauty around you.

Thankfully, you get by with a little help from your friends when Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars on Saturday, encouraging you to reach out to close friends. If you ask for help, you’ll get over your blues much faster. There’s no need to suffer alone.


Oh no, Cancer! It looks like the ghost of relationships past comes to haunt you when Juno goes retrograde in Sagittarius on Monday. This retrograde occurs in your habit zone, which could mean that your bad relationship habits reappear in your life. Learn from your mistakes or be forced to relive them.

Fortunately, Venus has your back when it moves into Taurus on Wednesday. Venus will be in your sector of value for the next few weeks, encouraging you to know your worth. Don’t settle for anything less than the best in both relationships and material items. If you wished for something recently, it may come to fruition during this time.

The week ends on a bit of a rocky note when the sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. Being hyper-focused on your career could hurt your personal relationships. Balance is the key to harmony here.


Lend a helping hand this week, Leo. On Tuesday, the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini, encouraging you to get involved in humanitarian efforts. Use your natural enthusiasm and throw yourself into a cause you believe in. Sure, you won’t be able to solve all the world’s problems, but you can find ways to help your local community.

As cuffing season ends, you’d better make a commitment to your current lover before they get away. Venus enters Taurus and your sector of long-term goals on Wednesday, and now it’s time to get serious about partnerships and become “social media official.” This is also a good time to get serious about your career and financial situation. Be ambitious!

On Sunday, you can express your beliefs and values easily and passionately when the sun conjoins Mercury. Use this passionate drive to explore educational opportunities.


Love can go the distance, Virgo, as long as you can keep an open mind. On Wednesday, Venus enters Taurus and your philosophy zone, encouraging you to rethink your beliefs about love, beauty, and money. Maybe a long-distance relationship could work out? Or a chair would look good in your home? Maybe you should invest in a company? Allow yourself to learn and grow!

Be careful with your words when Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday. If you become too clingy, you might ruin the fun in your relationships and love affairs. Allow yourself to have a good time without putting too much attachment on things.

Sunday brings growing pains when the sun conjoins Mercury in your sector of intimacy. Continue to seek growth and change by setting boundaries in your life. By creating space, you can strengthen bonds.


Watch out for miscommunication on Monday, Libra, because it could lead to serious relationship issues. Juno goes retrograde in Sagittarius and your sector of communication and logic, creating some tension and jealousy. Speak calmly and give the other person the benefit of the doubt before you go off.

Fortunately, Venus entering Taurus on Wednesday can help you smooth things over. Your ruling planet will be in your sector of intimacy for the next few weeks. During this time, you’ll be creating stronger bonds in your partnership and developing a deeper sense of intimacy. This is also a good time to share finances with a partner and even open a joint bank account.

The week concludes on a passionate note when Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter in Aquarius, creating success in love affairs and creative pursuits. Take a gamble. It will pay off in time!


Begin the week with some self-improvement when the sun in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini on Tuesday. This aspect can drive you toward growth and change if you’re willing to put in the work. This aspect could feel like a rebirth for you, Scorpio, so rise like the phoenix you are.

Love becomes slow and steady when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus will be in your sector of partnership for the next few weeks, making relationships devoted, affectionate, and reliable. Enjoy this period of calm as you work toward finding partnerships that are built to last.

Especially since the week transpires with some conflict when the sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. You might have to deal with some condescending people at work who talk down to you and seek to prevent you from reaching your goals. Try to rise above the nonsense, Scorpio.


Try to be chill this week, Sagittarius. While we usually love your fiery nature, it could burn some of your important relationships to the ground when Juno goes retrograde in your sign on Monday. Lack of self-awareness and impulsive behavior could shake things up in a negative way, so try to be present.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) you get a lesson on self-awareness and discipline when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus will be in your sector of routine for the next few weeks, encouraging you to focus on self-improvement and healthy habits.

The week culminates on a positive note when Mercury in Aries sextiles Jupiter in Aquarius on Saturday, making it easy for you to express yourself. This is a great time to let your creativity flow through you as you blend logic with emotion to get your point across.


Your week begins on a very indulgent note when Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday. Venus will be in your pleasure zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to be creative and express yourself. Start a new hobby or new love affair. It’s okay to splurge a little on some luxury items. You deserve it, Capricorn.

And you’re gonna need a little pick-me-up when the sun in Aries squares Pluto in your sign on Friday, creating some tension at home. Some members of your family may be trying to hold you back from becoming an individual, causing some fights. Stay strong and don’t bend to pressure.

Family drama only continues when Mercury in Aries squares Pluto on Saturday, making it easy to say harsh things that can cut deep. Stand your ground but choose your words carefully or you could create lasting problems that will haunt you.


We’re officially into spring, Aquarius, and you know what that means? Spring cleaning! On Wednesday, Venus enters Taurus and your sector of home, where it will stay for the next few weeks. This is a perfect time to clean up your space and even redecorate your space. New season, new furniture, new you!

Use your impeccable logic to get ahead when the sun in Aries sextiles Jupiter in your sign on Thursday. This aspect is great for creating lucky opportunities if you’re clever enough to take advantage of them. Be smart and make big moves that will help you reach your overall goals.

The week ends on a creative note when Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter, making it an excellent time for self-expression, love affairs, and new starts. You are full of energy and good vibes, so use it to have fun and make lasting memories.


Words become romantic and devoted when Venus enters steady Taurus on Wednesday. For the next few weeks, the planet of love and beauty will be in your sector of communication and logic. Communication in partnerships becomes easier and things just seem to work out! Enjoy this ease by taking short trips or meeting new people, if possible.

However, tension could rise when the sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, creating some drama in your social circle. As fake friends try to undermine your worth, remind yourself of how special you are. If people can’t see your value, cut them out.

Finally, try to stay calm when Mercury in Aries squares Pluto on Saturday. There is something you want desperately, Pisces. However, the more fixated you are on getting it, the less likely it is the universe will give it to you. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

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